Covers all models 1961 to 1971: 34.8 & 4.2-litre
A long-awaited guide for deciding which, if any, E-type to purchase. This pocket-sized book steers buyers past the dazzling exterior to examine systematically, section by section, cars they are considering. Picture-packed to help orientate even newcomers and ensure they buy the best car for their budget.
The 6-cylinder E-type is generally regarded as the world's most beautiful sports car. Such is the allure of this sixties icon, that many have let their heart rule their heads and ended up with a car that remained unfinished or wasn't right for them in some way. Forty years later, the risks have multiplied hugely, since many E-types appear superficially good but hide a multitude of, usually very expensive, sins. This dedicated buyer's guide, written by someone who had to build his own car the hard way, is packed with the dos and dont's of selecting, viewing and thoroughly assessing any potential purchase, to make sure you enjoy your E-type ownership and avoid ending up with a dispiriting and financially ruinous money-pit.